Ausgabe 7 (2009)

Wissenschaftliches Seminar Online 7 (2009)

(Post-)Modernist Responses to Shakespeare


  • Christina Wald, Felix Sprang: Introduction
  • Marcel Lepper: Copyrighted Shakespeare?
  • Aneta Mancewicz: „Remember thee?“: Post-War Memory and Guilt in Peter Piotr Lachmann’s Performance Hamlet from Gliwice
  • Jan Creutzenberg: To Be or Not To Be (Korean): Lee Youn-taek’s Hamlet and the Reseption of Shakespeare in Korea
  • Melanie Lörke: Shakespeare in Space: A Star Trek towards Plurality

Download Shakespeare-Seminar 2009

WSO 7 (2009) (Post-)Modernist Responses to Shakespeare (1.1 MB)


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