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Volume 145 (2009)

Shakespeare Jahrbuch 145 (2009)

Stage and Banquet

How, what and with whom we eat helps to constitute our social identity. In early modern England this becomes visible, for example, in medical, moral or religious dietary instructions, but also through eating cultures based on social hierarchy, in the seasonal changes between daily life and holidays, and, last but not least, in the differentiation between the self and the other on the basis of eating habits and food. In Shakespeare’s plays these cultural implications of eating are explored in great detail: recall the numerous feasts, Falstaff’s and Sir Toby’s debaucheries, or the rather disturbing culinary skills with which we are confronted in Titus Andronicus or Macbeth. The contributions to this volume discuss a number of plays and show how the intake of food or the lack thereof can (de)stabilize societies (Peter Holland, Gerhard Neumann, Tobias Döring); they analyze how food and hunger negotiate social and cultural (Kim Hall) or gendered power relations (Sasha Garwood), tensions between youth and old age (Nina Taunton) or religious conflicts of the time (Tobias Döring). Several articles focus on the banquet – the great banquet on the one hand, and the early modern dessert course on the other (Peter Holland, Kim Hall). Particular attention is also paid to the tension between the symbolism and the materiality of dishes – especially with regards to eating on stage (Michael Dobson, Peter Holland, Kim Hall). Finally, the treatment of food is shown to be genre-specific as can be seen in the relationship between early modern dietaries and Shakespeare’s plays (Joan Fitzpatrick), as well as in the differences between Shakespeare’s comedies, tragedies and histories in this respect (Nina Taunton, Michael Dobson). This volume shows that, even (or especially) in Shakespeare, we are what we eat.


Table of Contents Volume 145 (2009)

Vorträge und Aufsätze

Bühne und Bankett

  • Gewährung und Entzug des Abendmahls: Zu den Banketten und ihrer kulturellen Funktion in den Dramen Shakespeares. Von Gerhard Neumann
  • Sugar and Status in Shakespeare. By Kim Hall
  • “His banquet is prepared”: Onstage Food and the Permeability of Time in Shakespearean Performance. By Michael DobsonApricots, Butter, and Capons: an Early Modern Lexicon of Food. By Joan Fitzpatrick
  • Food, Time and Age: Falstaff’s Dietaries and Tropes of Nourishment in The Comedy of Errors. By Nina Taunton
  • “The skull beneath the skin”: Women and Self-Starvation on the Renaissance Stage. By Sasha Garwood
  • Dinner for One: Sir Toby und die kulturelle Arbeit am Vergessen. Von Tobias Döring


  • Animal Images in Coriolanus and the Early Modern Crisis of Distinction between Man and Beast. By Manfred Pfister
  • Shakespeare’s Dirty Business: Reading Signs and Controlling Looks in Vishal Bhardwaj’s Maqbool. By Philipp Hinz

Theaterschau – Shakespeare auf deutschsprachigen Bühnen 2007 / 2008 (Gesamtredaktion: Norbert Greiner)

  • Von Macht und Gemächten – Bericht aus Hamburg (Felix Sprang, Norbert Greiner)
  • Der alltägliche Wahnsinn – Bericht aus Berlin (Maik Hamburger)
  • Shakespeare at random – An Rhein und Ruhr fehlen die Richtungspfeile (Claus Clemens)
  • Der Stoff, aus dem Videos sind – ein multimedialer Sturm in München(Ingeborg Boltz)
  • Shakespeare auf Österreichs Bühnen (Holger Klein)
  • Auf dem Laufsteg, an der Warenbörse, im Atomkraftwerk – erprobt die Schweiz neue Spielwelten (Markus Marti)
  • Verzeichnis der Shakespeare-Inszenierungen, Spielzeit 2007/2008 (Reinhard Krakow)

Bücherschau (Gesamtredaktion: Tobias Döring und Joachim Frenk)

  • Die Idee des späten Shakespeare

    R. Lyne, Shakespeare’s Late Work;R. McDonald, Shakespeare’s Late Style;G. McMullan, Shakespeare and the Idea of Late Writing: Authorship in the Proximity of Death(I. Schabert)

  • Frauen und Kinder zuerst: Familienszenen

    G. Greer, Shakespeare’s Wife (E. Bronfen); J. Panek, Widows and Suitors in Early Modern English Comedy; F. McNeill, Poor Women in Shakespeare; K. M. Moncrief / K. R. McPherson eds., Performing Maternity in Early Modern England (C. Wald); K. Chedgzoy / S. Greenhalgh / R. Shaughnessy eds., Shakespeare and Childhood (T. Kullmann)

  • Lehrmeisterin des Lebens: Historisches

    A. Grafton, What was History? The Art of History in Early Modern Europe (C. Zwierlein); W. Chernaik, The Cambridge Introduction to Shakespeare’s History Plays; T. Hoenselaars ed., Shakespeare’s History Plays: Performance, Translation and Adaptation in Britain and Abroad; D. Cavanagh / S. Hampton-Reeves / S. Longstaffe eds., Shakespeare’s Histories and Counter-Histories; P. Kewes ed., The Uses of History in Early Modern England (I. Karremann)

  • Zur Revolution des Werkbegriffs: Textkritisches

    J. Jowett, Shakespeare and Text; S. Massai, Shakespeare and the Rise of the Editor; A. Murphy ed., A Concise Companion to Shakespeare and the Text; S. Palfrey / T. Stern, Shakespeare in Parts (L. Erne); J. Bate / E. Rasmussen eds., The RSC Shakespeare: The Complete Works (T. Healy); C. Scott, Shakespeare and the Idea of the Book (D. Fuchs)

  • Ohne Hamlet sieht man besser: Tragisches

    M. de Grazia, Hamlet without Hamlet; J. E. Curran, Hamlet, Protestantism, and the Mourning of Contingency: Not to be (S. Laqué); K. Leibnitz, Die Frauenfiguren in Hamlet-Verfilmungen des 20. Jahrhunderts (J. Frenk); A. Müller-Wood, The Theatre of Civilized Excess: New Perspectives on Jacobean Tragedy (R. Emig)

  • Namen und Gesichter, Kopf und Bauch: Vermischtes

    L. Maguire, Shakespeare’s Names (I. Habermann); M. Steggle, Laughing and Weeping in Early Modern Theatres; F. Karim-Cooper, Cosmetics in Shakespearean and Renaissance Drama; S. Baumbach, Let me behold thy face: Physiognomik und Gesichtslektüren in Shakespeares Tragödien (B. Puschmann-Nalenz); L. Pandit / P. C. Hogan eds., Cognitive Shakespeare: Criticism and Theory in the Age of Neuroscience (R. Schneider); J. Fitzpatrick, Food in Shakespeare: Early Modern Dietaries and the Plays (T. Döring)

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  • Tätigkeitsbericht des Präsidenten (Frühjahr 2008). Von Andreas Höfele
  • Shakespeares Essen: Bühne und Bankett – Shakespeare-Tage in Wien, 24.–27. April 2008. Von Dieter Fuchs
  • “Kleine Herbsttagung” in Mainz, 21.–22. November 2008. Von Dieter Fuchs
  • Öffentliche Vorstellung des ‘Shakespeare-Bildarchivs Oppel-Hammerschmidt’ an der Universitätsbibliothek Mainz. Von Hildegard Hammerschmidt-Humme
  • Shakespeare’s Sonnets Global: An anthology celebrating the quatercentenary of SHAKE-SPEARES SONNETS. By Manfred Pfister
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