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Notes on Submission

The annual issues of Shakespeare Jahrbuch comprise scholarly articles in German and English, usually on a special topic. For the topic of the next Jahrbuch, please see the Call for Papers. Further articles on other topics can unfortunately only be accepted to a limited extent and in exceptional circumstances.

The selection of articles is made on the basis of a (double blind) peer review system.

Authors should observe the style sheet and submit their contributions to the editor, usually by the 30th of April for the issue of the following year.

For all further questions, please contact the general editor, Isabel Karremann.

Review copies should be sent to:

Prof. Dr. Lena Steveker
University of Luxembourg (Campus Belval)
Department of Humanities
Maison des Sciences Humaines
11, Porte des Sciences
L-4366 Esch/Alzette (Belval)