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SHJB 157 (2021)

Shakespeare Jahrbuch 2021


It is not without a certain irony that ‘Shakespeare and Dance’ should have been the topic of the annual meeting of the German Shakespeare Society in the very year in which public dancing was almost completely banned and dance performances on a theatrical stage could not take place. But the COVID-pandemic also affected our conferences and the annual meeting in April 2020 had to be cancelled entirely. I am therefore very happy that many of the scholars who had been invited to give their papers, but could not ask us to dance along with them at the conference, agreed to submit their articles for Shakespeare Jahrbuch. Their contributions are complemented by articles that responded to the Call for Papers. Together they show very impressively that ‘Shakespeare and Dance’ is a dynamic field of study that focuses on a central but frequently neglected aspect of early modern drama and theatre. The articles discuss fascinating adaptations of Shakespeare’s plays in dance traditions and genres from various historical and cultural contexts, from ritual dance to classical ballet and modern dance theatre. In addition, they explore the cultural and political functions and implications of dance and choreography. Their engagement with dance opens up surprising new facets of the plays and new levels of meaning, and it fathoms the intermedial connections between language, music and movement.

Sabine Schülting


Table of Contents

Articles: Dance

Shakespeare and Dance (Barbara Ravelhofer)

Wondrous Motion: Recovering Dance from The Tempest (Lynsey McCulloch)

Licence to Speak: Gender and Masking in Shakespearean Dance Scenes (EMILY WINEROCK)

Romeo und Julia: Die Tragödie als Ballett (Iris Julia Bührle)

Dance of Death: Hitler and the Morris Men (RICHARD WILSON)

Macbeth Dances in the Zār Ritual: The Significance of Dancing in an Iranian Adaptation of Macbeth (Mohammadreza Hassanzadeh Javanian)

Performing Macbeth in India’s Endangered Sanskrit Theatre Art of Kutiyattam (THEA BUCKLEY)

Movement, Music and Silence in Cheek by Jowl’s Measure for Measure, The Winter’s Tale and Périclès, Prince de Tyr (Linda McJannet)

“Like an old tale”: The Winter’s Tale on the Balletic Stage (JONAS KELLERMANN)

Von Shakespeare zum Ballett und zurück – Der intermediale Blick auf eine polydirektionale Shakespeare-Adaption: Christopher Wheeldons The Winter’s Tale (Maria Marcsek-Fuchs)


Theatre Reviews

Shakespeare on the German Stages 2019/2020

(Edited by Norbert Greiner and Felix Sprang)


Spektakel und Drastik: Shakespeare im Norden (Ute Berns)

Kann das Theater nach Hause kommen? Romeo und Julia im Chat, Hamlet kurz vor dem Lockdown, Berliner Shakespeare on demand und Stimmen aus leeren Theatern (Lukas Lammers)

“Das ist keine Komödie mehr!” Theater in NRW erteilen Absage an die unerträgliche Leichtigkeit des Scheins (Sarah Briest, Jan Mosch, Sara Tuckwell, Roland Weidle UND Jan Willing)

Menschliche und familiäre Abgründe an der Corona-Kante: Lady Macbeth von Mzensk und Otello an der Oper Frankfurt (FELIX SPRANG)

Künstlerglück und Künstlerpech: Theaterschau Österreich 2019/20 (Ludwig Schnauder)

Kritische Rücksprache mit Shakespeare: “Zwei wuchtig lahme Stunden” in Bern und ein “Shakespeare-Abend der Sonderklasse” in Zürich (Norbert Greiner)

Verzeichnis der Shakespeare-Inszenierungen: Spielzeit 2019/2020 (Bettina Boecker und MARIETTA WENNING)


Book Reviews

(Edited by Stephan Laqué and Lena Steveker)


Andy Amato, The Ethical Imagination in Shakespeare and Heidegger (Christopher Crosbie)

Thomas Cartelli, Reenacting Shakespeare in the Shakespeare Aftermath (Rudolph Glitz)

Claude Fretz, Dreams, Sleep, and Shakespeare’s Genres (Joachim Frenk)

Marta Gibińska, Małgorzata Grzegorzewska, Jacek Fabiszak and Agnieszka Żukowska eds, This Treasure of Theatre: Shakespeare and the Arts from the Early Modern Period to the Twenty-First Century. Essays in Honour of Professor Jerzy Limon (Sabine Schülting)

Julián Jiménez Heffernan, Limited Shakespeare: The Reason of Finitude (CHRISTIAN KRUG)

Katherine Hennessey and Margaret Litvin eds, Shakespeare & the Arab World (Marcus Hartner)

Rory Loughnane and Edel Semple eds, Staged Normality in Shakespeare’s England (Anne Enderwitz)

Eric S. Mallin, Reading Shakespeare in the Movies: Non-Adaptations and Their Meaning (Elisabeth Bronfen)

Lindsay Ann Reid, Shakespeare’s Ovid and the Spectre of the Medieval (WOLFRAM KELLER)

James Shapiro, Shakespeare in a Divided America (Doris Feldmann)

Tiffany Stern ed., Rethinking Theatrical Documents in Shakespeare’s England (Lena Steveker)



Tätigkeitsbericht der Präsidentin (Frühjahr 2020) (Claudia Olk)

Romeo und Julia”: Online Herbsttagung, 20. – 22. November 2020 (Jonas Kellermann)




Zum Gedenken an den Shakespeare-Übersetzer Frank Günther (1947–2020)

Catherine Belsey (1940–2021)




Notes on Contributors

