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Volume 155 (2019)

Shakespeare Jahrbuch 2019

Exile and Migration

“Exile hath more terror in his look / Much more than death”, Romeo laments when he hears that he has been banished. (Not only) in the early modern age, the exclusion from the community and the loss of a home caused much anxiety – despite the fact that the time was marked by various forms of migration: work migration, religious exile, or displacement through wars. Shakespeare’s plays, in which these themes are omnipresent, respond to early modern debates but they also allow a reflection of exile and migration in the 20th and 21st centuries. The volume is opened by Alexander Schunka’s contribution on early-modern migration in Europe, which focuses on religious exiles and the dissemination of Shakespeare’s plays through travelling players on the Continent. Using the example of Schiller’s engagement with Shakespeare in Wallenstein, Anne Fleig also examines the relationship between the migration of people (in the Thirty Years’ War) and that of texts. Whereas David Schalkwyk discusses the alienation of home and the metaphysical aspects of exile in King Lear and The Comedy of Errors, Sophie Emma Battell concentrates on the linguistic dimension of exile in Richard II. Both Inmaculada Sanchez-García’s and Michael Meyer’s contributions deal with film adaptations. Focusing on the motif of the border and the figure of the stranger, Sanchez-García reads The High Sun as a rendering of Romeo and Juliet against the background of Croatia’s War of Independence. On the basis of an analysis of home and exile in an animated screen version of As You Like It, Meyer develops ideas for teaching Shakespeare at school. The last three articles discuss the responses of exiles to Shakespeare. Using the British theatre company Nu Nu as his example, Mihai Florea describes the problematic situation of Shakespeare actors in Britain whose mother tongue is not English. Keith Gregor traces Shakespeare’s ambivalent role for writers who had emigrated from Spain and planned to return at the end of the Franco-era. The section is concluded by Kai Wiegandt’s essay about the negotiation of exile and the nation in the so-called ‘Robben Island Bible’.

Sabine Schülting



Table of Contents

Essays: “Exile – Migration”

“Ha, Banishment!” Migration und Exil in Shakespeares Europa (Alexander Schunka) Shakespeare und der Dreißigjährige Krieg: Verflechtungen in Schillers Wallenstein (Anne Fleig)

Storms and Drops, Bonds and Chains: Exile in King Lear and The Comedy of Errors (David Schalkwyck)

Speechless Death: Nostalgia for the Mother Tongue in Richard II (Sophie Emma Battell)

War-Crossed Lovers: Strangers across Borders in The High Sun (Inmaculada N. Sanchez-García)

Migration, Exile and ‘Home’ in Shakespeare’s As You Like It and Its Animated Adaptation (Michael Meyer)

ʻEgg-fyingʼ Hamlet: The Second Language Actor and Shakespeare Grammaticality (Mihai Florea)

Pilgrims in Their Own Country: The Return of the Exile and Rewritings of Shakespeare in Late-Francoist Spain (Keith Gregor)

Shakespeare im und über Exil: Die ‘Robben Island Bible’ (Kai Wiegandt)

Theatre Reviews

Shakespeare on German stages 2017/2018

(Edited by Norbert Greiner and Felix Sprang)

Fokussierung und Diffusion: Shakespeare in Norddeutschland (Ute Berns, Verena Keidel und Monika Pietrzak-Franger)

Eine Geschichte zweier Ballette: Nacho Duatos Romeo und Julia an der Staatsoper Berlin (Jonas Kellermann)

#MeToo? Lumpenpüppchen und reaktionäre Travestien auf den Bühnen in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Sarah Briest, Jan Mosch und Roland Weidle)

Altersmilde und Altersmüde hier – Blendwerk dort: Shakespeare im Südwesten (Felix Sprang)

Von Zombies und Piraten: Shakespeare in Österreich (Ludwig Schnauder)

#MeToo bei Shakespeare in der Schweiz (Markus Marti)

Verzeichnis der Shakespeare-Inszenierungen der Spielzeit 2017/2018 (Bettina Boecker und Johanna Stowasser)

Book Reviews

(Edited by Stephan Laqué and Lena Steveker)

Shylock’s Jewish Experience: Edna Nahshon and Michael Shapiro eds, Wrestling with Shylock: Jewish Responses to The Merchant of Venice; Sara Coodin, Is Shylock Jewish? Citing Scripture and the Moral Agency of Shakespeare’s Jews (Shaul Bassi)

On Quoting Shakespeare: Julie Maxwell and Kate Rumbold eds, Shakespeare and Quotation; Regula Hohl Trillini, Casual Shakespeare: Three Centuries of Verbal Echoes (Lois Potter)

Shakespeare’s Times: Lukas Lammers, Shakespearean Temporalities: History on the Early Modern Stage; Lauren Shohet ed., Temporality, Genre and Experience in the Age of Shakespeare: Forms of Time (Wolfram Keller)

Sophie Chiari and Mickaël Popelard eds, Spectacular Science, Technology and Superstition in the Age of Shakespeare (Lyndsey Bakewell)

Andrew Hadfield, Lying in Early Modern English Culture: From the Oath of Supremacy to the Oath of Allegiance (Callan Davies)

Bastian Kuhl, Verhandlungen von Kindlichkeit: Die englischen Kinderschauspieltruppen der Shakespeare-Zeit (Thomas Kullmann)

Anne Barton, The Shakespearean Forest (Randall Martin)

Nicholas Luke, Shakespearean Arrivals: The Birth of Character (Anja Müller-Wood)

Ewan Fernie, Shakespeare for Freedom: Why the Plays Matter (John Roe)

Marlena Tronicke, Shakespeare’s Suicides: Dead Bodies that Matter (Kirsten Sandrock)

Leah S. Marcus, How Shakespeare Became Colonial: Editorial Tradition and the British Empire (Maria Shmygol)

Valerie M. Fazel and Louise Geddes eds, The Shakespeare User: Critical and Creative Appropriations in a Networked Culture (Regula Hohl Trillini)

Katrin Suhren, Shakespeares Charismatiker: Herrschaftsentwürfe in den Historien und Römerdramen im Blick Max Webers (Roland Weidle)

Andrew James Hartley ed., Shakespeare and Millennial Fiction (Kai Wiegandt)

Emily Oliver, Shakespeare and German Reunification: The Interface of Politics and Performance (Simon Williams)



Tätigkeitsbericht der Präsidentin (Frühjahr 2018) (Claudia Olk)

“Flucht – Exil – Migration”: Shakespeare-Tage in Weimar, 20. – 22. April 2018 (Jonas Kellermann)

“Othello”: Herbsttagung in Bochum, 23. – 24. November 2018 (Jonas Kellermann)


Zum Gedenken an  Dieter Mehl (1933–2018)


Über die Autorinnen und Autoren
