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Volume 153 (2017)

Shakespeare Jahrbuch 2017

“Shakespeare’s ‘Green Worlds’”

“Are not these woods / More free from perils than the envious court?”, Duke Senior asks at the beginning of the second act of As You Like It. But appearances are deceptive and the ‘Forest of Ardenne’ does not provide a pastoral utopia beyond violence and danger. Instead, Shakespeare’s “green worlds” turn out to be complex spaces, which lend themselves to negotiations of philosophical questions as well as social, political and economic conflicts. King Lear, whose epistemological and aesthetic implications are explored in Christopher Pye’s article, probably offers the most radical rupture with pastoral or biblical notions of the world as a garden. The contributions by Felix Sprang and Stefan Schneckenburger are concerned with Shakespeare’s flora. Referring, among others, to Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Sprang traces early modern proto-taxonomical thought and its implications for human-plant analogies. Schneckenburger also deals with contemporary botanical knowledge and considers the symbolic meaning of plants in King Lear. The next two contributions discuss Shakespeare’s plays from the perspective of more recent critical theories (Ecocriticism, Actor-Network-Theory) and the debates on the anthropocene. Todd Andrew Borlik’s reading of 1 Henry IV explores the interconnections between climate change and the social, political and technological transformations of the late 16th century. Taking storms as an example, Ute Berns reflects on the implications of The Tempest for current challenges to established periodizations and ideas about nature. The Tempest is also at the centre of Jonathan Gil Harris’s concluding paper, which contrasts Shakespeare’s play with the epic Kristapurana, written in Goa by the English Jesuit Thomas Stephens. Harris focuses on the ordinary nut and suggests that it can help theorize what he calls the “the edible contact zone” in early modern cultural encounters.

Sabine Schülting






Green World / No World: King Lear, Ecocriticism and the Politics of Finitude. By Christopher Pye

“Seh’ ich der Pflanze gleich den Mensch erstehn”: Mensch-Pflanze-Analogien und Pflanzenwissen bei Shakespeare. Von Felix Sprang

Königliches Unkraut: Lears Pflanzenwelt. Von Stefan Schneckenburger

Uncolting Falstaff: The Oats Complex and Energy Crisis in 1 Henry IV. By Todd Andrew Borlik

The Tempest in the Anthropocene: Preliminary Reflections. By Ute Berns

Shakespeare’s Nuts: Early Modern Nuxology and the Edible Contact Zone. By Jonathan Gil Harris




Weißer Rabe, schwarzer Prinz: Hamlet im Nachkriegsdeutschland. Von Andreas Höfele





Die Dichter und ihr Architekt: Günter Plessow rekonstruiert elisabethanische Sonettzyklen. Von Ina Schabert

“Shakespeare is a cultural journey into the human psyche”: An Interview with George Tabori (1990). By Lawrence Guntner




Shakespeare auf deutschsprachigen Bühnen 2015 / 2016 (Gesamtredaktion: Norbert Greiner und Felix Sprang)


Wutbürger und Metasturm: Oberflächenphänomene im Norden (Felix Sprang)

“All for your delight”: Politik und Plattitüden an Rhein und Ruhr (Sarah Briest, Jan Mosch und Roland Weidle)

“ʻI am not what I amʼ: Versuche der (postmigrantischen) Dekonstruktion in Berlin” (Jonas Kellermann und Lukas Lammers)

Krawall, Klamauk und Paraphrase: Zweimal Hamlet im Südwesten (Bernd Hirsch)

Shylock als Textfläche: Der Kaufmann von Venedig in München (Bastian Kuhl)

Fantasievoll und experimentierfreudig: Theaterschau Österreich 2015/16 (Ludwig Schnauder)

Diese schottische Oper – in der Schweiz (Markus Marti)

Verzeichnis der Shakespeare-Inszenierungen, Spielzeit 2015 / 2016 (Bettina Boecker und Anna Katharina Lauber)




(Gesamtredaktion: Ralf Hertel und Stephan Laqué)

Early Modern Emotions

R. Meek / E. Sullivan eds., The Renaissance of Emotion: Understanding Affect in Shakespeare and his Contemporaries; S. Mullaney, The Reformation of Emotions in the Age of Shakespeare; E. Sullivan, Beyond Melancholy: Sadness and Selfhood in Renaissance England (F. Sierhuis)

Playing with Religion

D. K. Anderson, Martyrs and Players in Early Modern England: Tragedy, Religion and Violence on Stage; B. Cummings, Mortal Thoughts: Religion, Secularity and Identity in Shakespeare and Early Modern Culture; D. Loewenstein / M. Witmore eds., Shakespeare and Early Modern Religion (C. Lemke)

Historical – Political – Philosophical

K. M. S. Bezio, Staging Power in Tudor and Stuart English History Plays: History, Political Thought, and the Redefinition of Sovereignty; I. Karremann, The Drama of Memory in Shakespeare’s History Plays; H. Berger, Jr., Harrying: Skills of Offense in Shakespeare’s Henriad; L. H. Craig, The Philosopher’s English King: Shakespeare’s Henriad as Political Philosophy (L. Lammers)

The Texts of Hamlet

T. Bourus, Young Shakespeare’s Young Hamlet: Print, Piracy, and Performance; M. Jolly, The First Two Quartos of Hamlet: A New View of the Origins and Relationship of the Texts; Z. Lesser, “Hamlet” after Q1: An Uncanny History of the Shakespearean Text (I. Berensmeyer)

Beyond the Canon

D. McInnis / M. Steggle eds., Lost Plays in Shakespeare’s England; P. Kirwan, Shakespeare and the Idea of the Apocrypha: Negotiating the Boundaries of the Dramatic Canon (L. Erne)

Shakespeare on Screen

R. Jackson, Shakespeare and the English-Speaking Cinema; J. Henke, Unsex Me Here: Gender und Raum im zeitgenössischen Shakespeare-Film (J. N. Schmidt)


T. Döring / E. Fernie eds., Thomas Mann and Shakespeare: Something Rich and Strange (S. Keppler-Tasaki)

A. Hansen / K. J. Wetmore, Jr. eds., Shakespearean Echoes (J. Frenk)

J. J. Heffernan, Shakespeare’s Extremes: Wild Man, Monster, Beast (K. Wiegandt)

P. Innes, Shakespeare’s Roman Plays (R. Hertel)

A. J. Johnston / R. West-Pavlov / E. Kempf eds., Love, History and Emotion in Chaucer and Shakespeare: Troilus and Criseyde and Troilus and Cressida (H. Cooper)

A. Kiséry, Hamlet’s Moment: Drama and Political Knowledge in Early Modern England (D. Callaghan)

V. O. Lobsien, Shakespeares Exzess: Sympathie und Ökonomie (S. Laqué)

R. Wilson, Worldly Shakespeare: The Theatre of Our Good Will (W. Chernaik)







Tätigkeitsbericht der Präsidentin (Frühjahr 2016). Von Claudia Olk

Shakespeare’s Green Worlds: Shakespeare-Tage in Bochum, 22.–24. April 2016. Von Jonas Kellermann

Shakespeare’s Endgames – Poetiken des Schlusses: Herbsttagung in Weimar, 25.–26. November 2016. Von Jonas Kellermann

Durch die Blume. In Shakespeares Garten: Eine Ausstellung zum vierhundertsten Todestag stellt die Pflanzen in seinem Werk vor. Von Andreas Rossmann




Über die Autorinnen und Autoren der Aufsätze und Vorträge

