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Volume 143 (2007)

Shakespeare Jahrbuch 143 (2007)

Violence and Terror

Not only since the terrorist attacks of recent years have violence and terror been topics of art and literature; they were already ubiquitous in the theatre of Shakespeare’s time. The cruelty, the arbitrariness and threats which the characters on the stage have to endure can be related to early modern debates about politics, religion, marriage and sexuality. They also raise fundamental questions as to how violence should be represented at all. Richard Wilson reads Macbeth as a play about state terror, in which James I is confronted with the foundation of his own reign. Naomi Conn Liebler understands the tragedy of Lear’s agony over the remorseless actions of his “pelican daughters” as the anatomy of civilization, in which a “depth of latent cruelty” (Artaud) breaks out. Marlowe’s Tamburlaine serves as an example for Claudia Richter’s discussion of literary fantasies of violence in the context of Calvinist ideas of god. However, the victims of violence cannot only be found in tragedy. William Leahy analyses the representation of the common people suffering from terror and violence in Henry VI, Part 2. Rainer Emig sees female silence in the comedies not as submission to male threats of violence, but as a form of resistance. Veronika Pohlig’s perspective on gender conflicts in the comedies is different: She proposes that Francis Ford’s actions in The Merry Wives of Windsor constitute a legitimate use of force in the context of early modern constructs of masculinity. Finally, the articles by Pascale Aebischer and Elisabeth Bronfen link the early modern period and the present, Shakespeare’s plays and contemporary cinema. Aebischer advocates employing parallels between tragedy and horror films for the analysis of Shakespeare’s plays. Using David Cronenberg’s film A History of Violence as her point of departure,Bronfen argues that the staging of violence can be understood as an externalisation of personal violent fantasies. Representations of violence – she disconcertingly concludes – are of central importance for our enjoyment of the cinema as well as the theatre.



Table of Contents Volume 143 (2007)

Vorträge und Aufsätze

Gewalt und Terror

  • “Blood will have blood”: Regime Change in Macbeth. By Richard Wilson
  • Pelican Daughters: The Violence of Filial Ingratitude in King Lear. By Naomi Conn Liebler
  • Performing God’s Wrath: Tamburlaine, Calvinismand the Phantasmata of Terror. By Claudia Richter
  • “For pure need”: Violence, Terror and the Common People in Henry VI, Part 2. By William Leahy
  • Terror und Verstummen: Gewalt und Widerstand in Shakespeares Komödien. Von Rainer Emig
  • “These Violent Proceedings” – Francis Ford’s ‘Frenzy’ and the Pains of Governing Merry Wives. By Veronika Pohlig
  • Vampires, Cannibals and Victim-Revengers:Watching Shakespearean Tragedy through Horror Film. By Pascale Aebischer
  • Extimate Violence: Shakespeare’s Night World. By Elisabeth Bronfen


  • Presented Representation – Intermedial Go-Betweens on the Shakespearean Stage. By Andreas Mahler

Shakespeare im Unterricht

  • Shakespeare im Englischunterricht: Ein aktueller Überblick. Von Roland Petersohn und Laurenz Volkmann


  • Tom, Dick and … Jack in the OED and in “Sonnet 128”. By Regula Hohl Trillini

Theaterschau – Shakespeare auf deutschsprachigen Bühnen 2005/2006 (Gesamtredaktion: Norbert Greiner)

  • “Jeder Hengst kriegt seine Stute. Alles Gute.” Bizarre Adaptionen, gewagt – bisweilen gewollt, auf norddeutschen Bühnen (Felix Sprang und Nina Stedman)
  • Zeitgenossen: Theater im Osten (Maik Hamburger)
  • “O shame, where is thy blush?” Nacktarbeit und andere Einfälle auf den NRW-Bühnen (Claus Clemens)
  • Die Lust am Spiel – Shakespeare auf Österreichs Bühnen (Holger Klein)
  • Vom Gehört- und Gesehenwerden – auf Schweizer Bühnen (Markus Marti)
  • Verzeichnis der Shakespeare-Inszenierungen, Spielzeit 2005/06

Bücherschau (Gesamtredaktion: Tobias Döring und Joachim Frenk)

  • The History of Violence: Zur Aktualität des Tragischen

    R. Bushnell ed., A Companion to Tragedy; A. Leggatt, Shakespeares Tragedies: Violation and Identity; W. M. Hamlin, Tragedy and Scepticism in Shakespeare’s England; S. Laqué, Hermetik und Dekonstruktion: Die Erfahrung von Transzendenz in Shakespeares Hamlet (M. Pfister)

  • Last Action Hero: Neues von Hamlet

    Hamlet, ed. by A. Thompson and N. Taylor; Hamlet: The Texts of 1603 and 1623,ed. by A. Thompson and N. Taylor; Hamlet. Englisch-deutsche Studienausgabe von N. Greiner und W. G. Müller (L. Erne)

  • Mission Impossible: Dienst ist Dienst

    D. Evett, Discourses of Service in Shakespeare’s England; G. Bradshaw / T. Bishop eds., The Shakespearean International Yearbook; J. Weil, Service and Dependency in Shakespeares Plays (D. Fuchs

  • Kill Bill: Was und wie mit Shakespeare anfangen?

    L. Hopkins, Beginning Shakespeare; T. Kullmann, William Shakespeare: Eine Einführung; S. Palfrey, Doing Shakespeare (M. Windisch); S. Laqué / E. Ruge eds., Realigning Renaissance Culture: Intrusion and Adjustment in Early Modern Drama; A. Höfele / W. von Koppenfels eds., Renaissance Go-Betweens: Cultural Exchange in Early Modern Europe (M. T. Burnett); C. Jansohn ed., In the Footsteps of William Shakespeare (B. Gibbons)

  • Alien: Transkulturelle und transmediale Rezeption

    C. R. Daileader, Racism, Misogyny, and the Othello Myth: Inter-racial Couples from Shakespeare to Spike Lee; M. Dimmock, New Turkes: Dramatizing Islam and the Ottomans in Early Modern England; V. M. Vaughan, Performing Blackness on English Stages, 1500-1800 (A. Stock); M. Orkin, Local Shakespeares: Proximations and Power; N. Schaffeld ed., Shakespeares Legacy: The Appropriation of the Plays in Post-Colonial Drama; S. Massai ed., World-Wide Shakespeares (C. Balme); H. R. Coursen, Shakespeare Translated: Derivatives on Film and TV; S. Kossak, “Frame My Face to All Occasions”: Shakespeare’s Richard III on Screen; S. Hatchuel, Shakespeare, from Stage to Screen (I. Habermann)

  • Die Hard: Leichen, Fetisch, Begehren und Ansteckung

    H. M. Nunn, Staging Anatomies: Dissection and Spectacle in Early Stuart Tragedy; S. Zimmerman, The Early Modern Corpse and Shakespeare’s Theatre (J. Frenk); D. Williams, The French Fetish from Chaucer to Shakespeare (E. Bettinger); D. A. Walen, Constructions of Female Homoeroticism in Early Modern Drama (S. Mieszkowski); C. L. Carlin ed., Imagining Contagion in Early Modern Europe; T. Pollard, Drugs and Theater in Early Modern England (S. Baumbach)

  • Total Recall: Politik und Vergessen

    A. Hadfield, Shakespeare and Republicanism (B. Klein); C. Ivic / G. Williams eds., Forgetting in Early Modern English Literature and Culture: Lethe’s Legacies; G. A. Sullivan, Jr., Memory and Forgetting in English Renaissance Drama: Shakespeare, Marlowe, Webster (T. Döring)

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  • Tätigkeitsbericht des Präsidenten (Frühjahr 2006). Von Andreas Höfele
  • Gewalt und Terror bei Shakespeare – Shakespeare-Tage in Weimar, 20. – 23. April 2006. Von Dieter Fuchs
  • “Kleine Herbsttagung”, 18. – 19. November 2006. Von Dieter Fuchs
  • Our European Shakespeare: A Progress Report. By Ton Hoenselaars and Clara Calvo
  • Erinnerungen an die Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft – verbunden mit Theatererlebnissen am Bochumer Schauspielhaus vor 60 Jahren. Von Otto Hagemann
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