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Volume 150 (2014)

Shakespeare Jahrbuch 2014

Money and Power

“Shakespeare excellently depicts the real nature of money”, Karl Marx wrote, as “visible divinity” and “common whore”. In the plays, purses and coins circulate; traders and moneylenders determine the course of action; the language of love is permeated by the language of economy. Shakespeare’s works react to the economic changes of the early modern period and negotiate their moral, religious and political implications. The first three articles of the Jahrbuch are devoted to such fundamental historical changes. Christina von Braun problematizes the question, initiated by the new monetary economy, of how money be authenticated. Jean Howard discusses Shakespeare’s examination of the economic change from feudalism to capitalism, and Isabel Karremann focuses on the complex interrelationship between the market, the individual and theatre. These contributions are complemented by Tiffany Stern’s essay on forms of commerce that do not occur on stage, but before, during and after theatrical performances. This also brings the underlying economic relations of the playhouses into focus: the shift from patronage relationships to commercial playhouses, illuminated by John Blakeley in his article on Twelfth Night and Love’s Labour’s Lost and by Katherine A. Gillen with reference to Timon of Athens. Christopher Balme discusses the changes within a globally acting theatre business, using the example of the Anglo-American theatre manager Maurice E. Bandmann. The interpretations of Shylock, played by Maurice Bandmann’s father Daniel Bandmann on the Australian stages of the 1880s, are at the centre of Nicole Anae’s article. On the basis of the new genre of the ‘gypsy’ Shakespeare film, Mark Thornton Burnett illustrates how the Bard is utilized to depict the situation of the Eastern European Roma after the end of socialism.

Sabine Schülting


Table of Contents Volume 150 (2014)


Geld und Macht


‘Viel Fleisch ums Geld’: Shakespeare als Zeitgenosse neuer Wirtschaftsformen Von Christina von Braun

Shakespeare and the Consequences of Early Capitalism By Jean Howard

Schulden machen Theater: Produktive Geldkrisen bei Shakespeare Von Isabel Karremann

“Fill thy Purse with Money”: Financing Performance in Shakespearean England By Tiffany Stern

Feste, Twelfth Night’s “Material Fool” By John Blakeley

“That what he speaks is all in debt”: Credit, Representation and Theatrical Critique in Timon of Athens By Katherine A Gillen

“His means are in supposition”: Shakespeare and the Beginnings of the Global Theatre Trade By Christopher Balme

“The majestic Hebrew ideal”: Herr Daniel E Bandmann’s Shylock on the Australian Stage, 1880–1883 By Nicole Anae

Capital, Commodities, Cinema: Shakespeare and the Eastern European ‘Gipsy’ Aesthetic By Mark Thornton Burnett  



Shakespeare auf deutschsprachigen Bühnen 2012 / 2013

(Gesamtredaktion: Norbert Greiner)

Mediale Verflüchtigung, historisierende Vergegenwärtigung – Shakespeare in Berlin und Meiningen (Ekkehart Krippendorff)

Verwirrte Liebe und kalkulierte Gruselerotik in Hamburg – Trauma und Sakralität in Bad Gandersheim (Norbert Greiner und Felix Sprang)

Rollenspiele, Dokudrama, Pastiche und Experimente – Shakespeare an Rhein und Ruhr (Sarah Briest, Melanie Heermann, Jan Mosch, Jennifer Riediger, Roland Weidle und Jonas Wrede)

Shakespeare als Schlammschlacht – Wie es euch gefällt in Karlsruhe (Bernd Hirsch)

Nepper, Schlepper, Bauerntheater – König Lear und Julius Cäsar in München (Bastian Kuhl)

Integrationsübungen in der Schweiz (Markus Marti)

“Few and far between” – Shakespeare auf Österreichs Bühnen (Ludwig Schnauder)

Verzeichnis der Shakespeare-Inszenierungen, Spielzeit 2012 / 2013 (Bettina Boecker und Sarah Wilke)



(Gesamtredaktion: Joachim Frenk und Stephan Laqué)

Shakespeare und verschiedene Frauen

F McNeill, Poor Women in Shakespeare; P Pender, Early Modern Women’s Writing and the Rhetoric of Modesty; G Marshall, Shakespeare and Victorian Women (D Feldmann)

On Making the Wrong Kind of Noise

D Mann, Shakespeare’s Women: Performance and Conception; A Kamaralli, Shakespeare and the Shrew: Performing the Defiant Female Voice (S Mieszkowski)

Shakespearean Materials

J Bate / D Thornton, Shakespeare: Staging the World; J Bowsher, Shakespeare’s London Theatreland: Archaeology, History and Drama; N MacGregor, Shakespeare’s Restless World (J Frenk)

By the Sweet Power of Music

C Marsh, Music and Society in Early Modern England; E Minear, Reverberating Song in Shakespeare and Milton: Language, Memory, and Musical Representation (S Rupp)

Cognitive Shakespeare

B Boyd, Why Lyrics Last: Evolution, Cognition, and Shakespeare’s Sonnets; R Lyne, Shakespeare, Rhetoric and Cognition (F Sprang)


A Aurnhammer / M Pfister eds, Heroen und Heroisierungen in der Renaissance (W von Koppenfels)

M Thornton Burnett, Shakespeare and World Cinema (E Sheen)

B Dumiche ed, Shakespeare und kein Ende? Beiträge zur Shakespeare-Rezeption in Deutschland und Frankreich vom 18 bis 20 Jahrhundert (R Bogner)

J Feather, Writing Combat and the Self in Early Modern English Literature: The Pen and the Sword (P Pugliatti)

E Fernie, The Demonic: Literature and Experience (S Laqué)

A Hadfield, Edmund Spenser: A Life (J B Lethbridge)

M Ichikawa, The Shakespearean Stage Space (V Schormann)

D Landreth, The Face of Mammon: The Matter of Money in English Renaissance Literature (C Lemke)

E T Lin, Shakespeare and the Materiality of Performance (H Lees-Jeffries)

Tom MacFaul, Problem Fathers in Shakespeare and Renaissance Drama (S Purcell)

I Makaryk / M McHugh eds, Shakespeare and the Second World War: Memory, Culture, Identity (L Steveker)

D Margolies, Shakespeare’s Irrational Endings: The Problem Plays (U Berns)

D Mehl, Eine historische Episode: Die Wiedervereinigung der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft Persönliche Erinnerungen (B Engler)

K A Quarmby, The Disguised Ruler in Shakespeare and His Contemporaries (M Goth)

G A Schmidt, Renaissance Hybrids: Culture and Genre in Early Modern England (S Baumbach)

L Shannon, The Accommodated Animal: Cosmopolity in Shakespearean Locales (B Boehrer)

D Swift, Shakespeare’s Common Prayers: The Book of Common Prayer and the Elizabethan Age (C Olk)

A T Vaughan / V Mason Vaughan, Shakespeare in America (D Callaghan)

K Wiegandt, Crowd and Rumour in Shakespeare (B Boecker)

M Wiggins, Drama and the Transfer of Power in Renaissance England (K Sandrock)





Tätigkeitsbericht des Präsidenten (Frühjahr 2013) Von Tobias Döring

Geld und Macht: Shakespeares Bilanzen Shakespeare-Tage in München, 26–28 April 2013 Von Dieter Fuchs






Über die Autorinnen und Autoren der Aufsätze und Vorträge

