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Two Gentlemen of Verona

The Two Gentlemen of Verona – Die zwei Herren aus Verona

Mate-poaching is not considered gentlemanlike – not even among present-day youths; trying to rape one’s best friend’s girlfriend may conceivably jeopardise the most intimate of male friendships. Were it not for the good sense and emotional generosity of the female figures, nothing would end well in this play.

As in many of Shakespeare’s comedies the servants in The Two Gentlemen of Verona offer much better entertainment than their masters, and the moral principles of one of the very few dogs on the Shakespearean stage are infinitely superior to those of almost everybody else.

The Two Gentlemen of Verona is one of the earliest and most entertaining of Shakespeare’s comedies, although its topics have for a long time been too explosive to be staged. Only in recent years have theatres and critics become interested in the comic and passionate entanglements between the four young lovers of Verona.

This bilingual edition is ideally suited for serious readers with a keen interest in the intricacies of Shakespeare’s language and his theatrical genius.

More inforamtion at Stauffenburg-Verlag.