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Become a member

Become a member

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Direct debit mandate

Recipient: Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, Windischenstraße 4-6, 99423 Weimar
Creditor identification number: DE19ZZZ00000028630
Mandate reference number: Will be mailed to you, as well as the date of the first debit transaction.
Your membership fee is

{math_result} €.

Here you can find our constitution.
If a direct debit payment is not possible, please pay your membership fee into the following account after having received the confirmation of your application as a member:
Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft
Account No:
0 301 009 503
Bank: Sparkasse Mittelthüringen
Bank Code: 820 510 00
IBAN: DE95 8205 1000 0301 0095 03

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